Monday, November 28, 2011


Finally, finally, finally!!! I finished the top part of my solo. It's only two pages but I think it's great. I'm in love with it and now all I have left to do is work on the piano which I have a vague idea of what I'm going to do for that. If you want to right music, I suggest using Noteflight because it rocks. It gets your music down neat and orderly and, you can print it out. Anway, it was great to work on. I'm so excited about my piece and I can't wait to play it with the piano!!!

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Home front

I honestly don't know if it's the atmosphere at home, but whenever I'm here, I can't do anything on my piece. It's either everyone is making too much noise, I hit a block in the music, or I don't know how to do what I want to do. This time, it's the first and the third. My family just got home from my sister's soccer game while I was working in piece and they started bumping around and talking. It doesn't help. As well as that, I don't know how to write quick angry music. Especially on the flute. To me...well...I gues I've never played an angry piece on the flute. Nothing harsh sounding anyway. I've played, haunting, sad, happy, excited, lovely, but never ever angry. Therefore, I don't know how to write a song that sounds angry. It's really giving me a lot of trouble. Perhaps I'm over-analyzing the whole song writing thing and how the melody is supposed to be intermixed and all that hooha, which it really is, but my melody is slow and sad, and I don't know if I can make it sound angry. It's really hard. I have slow and sad in the bucket though; piece of cake.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Finally (I love my flute teacher)

I had a flute lesson at 7-o-clock and it was the most progress I've gotten done. My teacher explained chords so well. She said a lament typically has a moving base so I added that. Also, she wrote out what I'd done so far on a clean sheet of paper, neatly, and in pencil. So, I discovered that if you look back at the ideas you've written down and neatly put them in order on a clean sheet of paper, all of a sudden, the song seems so much clearer. I also advise that if your writing a song, use pencil because when you use pen, you have to scribble things out left and write and the paper you're using doesn't look like it has notes on it any more but a bunch of random dots and lines. Use a pencil. Anyway, it was nice to wrap my head around my music and were I'm headed seems so much clearer.

Band Yesterday

Oh. My. God. It is soooooo hard to write a song. Yesterday, I spent more than half of the period rewriting what I'd already written so it sounded better and because I didn't like it. I have no idea what to expect out of this but the song is a page and a half on really thick lines so in reality, it's probably 3/4 of an acual page. It's impossible though. I put so much effort into it and all I got out was about 6 new measures. I'm really testing myself by adding a piano part and I honestly don't know that much about chords seeing as I play a one-note-at-a-time instrument. It's really fun to write though, even if it is mentally taxing. I love working on it, it's just really hard. I figured out the general melody of the song. I figure that's a good start. I have some of the piano done, though I'm not sure how it sounds. The solo line is going fine. There are scribles on my entire page and I'm totally bemused by the entire project but I think it's coming along fine.